Joining the military gives you access to more benefits than you may initially imagine. Some of your military friends may have touted the great medical care, housing assistance, and additional help with other facets of life that you don't always find in alternative lines of work. You've made a wonderful decision to become part of the military and should take full advantage of the many perks that come with your service.
- Maneuvering the college admissions process can be stressful for both students and parents. There are so many moving cogs, and you're likely to get stuck making the right call. Given the overwhelming task and all the small things to keep up with, you should really consider engaging a college consulting service. Ideally, you must address your child's academic prowess, career, and financial capability. However, the competition for slots in top colleges is quite high.
- Continuing one's education after high school is the dream of millions of people every year. However, the cost can leave many students feeling like it is an impossible dream without accruing debt. For some, they choose to serve in the military following high school. That leaves the question, how do you make use of the GI Bill and attend college while serving? Flexible Learning Options One of the most important aspects to consider when selecting education while in the military is flexibility.
- If you are considering going to school to get a pilot's license, you need to find a flight school that offers the training you are looking for. Not all flight schools are the same, and if you are just getting started, basic flight training may be all you need. If you want to advance your license then you need a school that has more to offer. Finding Your Flight School
- Are you about to finish up your junior year of high school? Or, it might be that you are a senior this year. Either way, you are probably having some pretty mixed feelings about your high school years coming to a close in the near future. On one hand, you might be thinking that you can't wait to get out of high school. On the other hand, you might be realizing that you may never see some of your friends again.